Canada Day celebrations are filled with joy, but they can leave your home in disarray. Here are some tips to get your home back to its sparkling clean state after a weekend of festivities with kids, pets, food, and more!

1. Declutter and Organize:
Gather Party Supplies: Collect decorations, leftover food, and party items.
Sort Items: Separate recyclables, trash, and reusable items.

2. Quick Kitchen Clean-Up:
Clean Appliances: Wipe down your oven, microwave, and refrigerator.
Countertops and Backsplashes: Use appropriate cleaners to remove food stains and spills.

3. Living Areas and Outdoor Spaces:
Vacuum and Mop Floors: Focus on high-traffic areas and use a mop for spills.
Furniture and Upholstery: Vacuum and spot clean any stains.

Canada Day Clean-up in progress!

4. Bathroom Refresh:
Wipe Down Surfaces: Use disinfectant wipes for sinks, counters, and toilets.
Freshen Up: Open windows or use air fresheners to keep the space smelling clean.

5. Manage High Temperatures:
Air Circulation: Use fans or air conditioning to keep rooms cool while cleaning.
Hydrate: Stay hydrated and take breaks to avoid heat exhaustion.

With these tips, you can efficiently clean your home after a festive weekend.

For a thorough clean, Sparkle Ottawa is ready to assist!