Indoor dust can be generated from dirt and debris, skin cells, fabric fibers, books, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, fireplaces, pet dander ect. Outdoor dust can be made up of soil particles, pollen, smoke, exhaust, sand and other debris.
The amount of dust from one home to the other can vary depending on several factors such as where you live, the age of your home, how many people or animals you have living in your home, the time of year, your cooking habits or cleaning habits etc. Most homes contain a combination of indoor and outdoor dust. Dust is harmless to most people. However, certain health conditions such as allergies or asthma can be triggered in a dusty environment.
What is a dust mite?
Dust mites commonly live indoors. They feed on flakes of dead skin or pet dander that are shed by people and pets. Dust mites thrive in mattresses, other bedding, upholstered furniture and carpets. While it’s impossible to have a dust-free home, there are steps you can take to reduce the level of dust in your home.
Simple ways to reduce dust in your home
Vacuum and dust often
The most important step for preventing dust from accumulating is regular cleaning. Frequent vacuuming and dusting can significantly reduce the amount of dust in your home and improve your indoor air quality.Vacuum often in high-traffic areas, carpets, floors and area rugs. If you have dogs or cats that shed you may need to vacuum more frequently.

Consider trading your carpets for flooring
Although carpeted floors are soft, comfortable and decorative they are a magnet for dust and dust mites. Vacuum your carpets often, especially if there are people with allergies in your home. Stick to tiles, laminate floors and wood flooring wherever possible.

Consider trading your carpets for flooring
Microfiber mops and dusters also are good choices as they are made with materials specifically designed to lift and trap dust particles making everyday dusting faster and easier. Pro Tip: For an effective dusting, use a dry microfiber towel and follow up with a damp one to remove as much dust as possible
Minimize clutter
One of the best ways to minimize dust is to reduce the number of surfaces where dust can settle. Excessive clutter from surfaces, floors, knickknacks, artwork, the more you have the more nooks and crannies for dust to build on. Moreover, minimizing clutter makes cleaning easier.
Change and wash beddings regularly
Dust mites tend to gather in beddings where they feed on the dead skin cells. All washable beddings should be changed and cleaned regularly in hot water to remove allergens and prevent dust mites. Wash your bedlinen, blankets, pillowcases, and comforters in hot water on a regular basis. One of the easiest ways to get rid of dust mites is to add a dust cover to your beddings.

Get a Doormat
Outdoor mud, dirt can easily be tracked into the house from shoes. By leaving them at the door you can reduce the amount of dust tracked into your home from the outdoors.

Add an air purifier
Air purifiers filter the air and remove airborne particles â€â€an ideal way to protect people with allergies and respiratory problems. It is recommended to get a vacuum or air purifier with a HEPA filter for a maximum reduction of indoor dust.

Book a regular cleaner
Having a regular cleaning service is the best way to keep the dust in your home under control. If you’re looking for a little extra help in keeping your space clean and reducing your indoor dust,